Thursday, February 16, 2006

non-stop snark coverage

  • Regarding knit blog snark--I was once talking to someone about how I don't see the point of gambling. It's not just that casinos are loud and have too many blinking lights and ringing, jangling noises, but no windows nor clocks, it's that it just seems like throwing money away. (My mom is a mathematician so I've been lectured and dosed endlessly on probability--did you know that every time C-3PO mentions "the odds" he says the ratio backwards of the way he means it?--until gambling seems almost sinfully stupid.) And then it was pointed out to me that I have a lot of expensive hobbies that other people don't see the point of--knitting, snowboarding, road trips, reading (no libraries for me, I buy books because I don't like to give them back), and of course, my superspendy, superfast internet connection. And my reaction wasn't, "yes, but those are my stupid hobbies!" It was more like, "Ahhh, so they're enjoying it. Now I understand." So you don't enjoy blogging or blog reading? Don't do it. I don't gamble.
  • Ah, so now that snowboarding is bringing in gold medals by the truckload, suddenly we're no longer baggy-pantsed hoodlums scraping all the snow off the mountain? Well, it's still not typically Olympic. Patronize much? I just watched mega-tool Bob Costas interview Seth Wescott, and the mega-tool asked if Seth thought his medal and the media attention would increase the popularity of boardercross. (At the Olympics it's called snowboardcross because boardercross is a registered trademark. Whatevs.) Clearly I speak only for myself, but I don't think increasing popularity is necessarily a priority of the sport. Any sport. Progression within the sport, yes; getting on TV, no. (Or at least, not necessarily--pros have to make a living somehow.) I don't think any of the sidelined sports, the ones you see on TV only during the Olympics, would benefit from becoming the New Football. Once you're in it for the money, the love of the game recedes, and I have a lot more respect for athletes in less-popular sports whose "pointless" pursuit of improvement brings them neither (much) money nor (much) fame.
  • Imagine if you were in the sport of knitting for the money and the fame. Oh yeah!

To sum up--I think whether something has a point or whether it offers some measurable gain are irrelevant to its worth, when that something is enjoyable. Do things you enjoy & leave other people alone.

Oh, and some knitting notes--I'm still on the gusset decreases on my second Jaywalker, and I am 12 inches (a whole foot baby!) into my Hourglass Sweater.


Ramona said...

You mean we are not getting any fame or money out of this? DAMM!

Anonymous said...

who got up in your shit? are you talking about my thing on my myspace? because i was saying "knitting blog" like "she's so unique! she writes a blog about SOCKS and stuff she MAKES!!"

Cari said...

no dude, I thought that was supercool, I felt honored being quoted on your myspace. Apparently some other local knitters have a problem with knit blogs. Why, I don't know. There's more about it on some of the other ABQSNBers' blogs in my sidebar.
And also? I bought your birthday present today! I still haven't bought M&D's. Bad daughter. No cookie.