Friday, March 10, 2006

bliss it was this afternoon to be alive

Seriously, does it get better than this? It's my second day off of three in a row, and it's also payday, so I treated myself to lunch (takeout from Pei Wei--sweet & sour chicken, how do I love thee? Let me count the ways. Check it out, I'm all about the quotations today) and stash enlargement. I went by Village Wools and said hi to Jaime and picked up some Regia self-striping sock yarn (probably another pair of jaywalkers, I'm so original) and some Brown Sheep Lamb's Pride Cotton Fleece for an air-conditioned-office-appropriate summer sweater (probably bad penny, but monochrome--no contrasting edges for me, thank you, I'm dull). After ignoring it for most of my life, over the last two years or so I've developed a major love affair with green. I think it's because back east I took it for granted, but in New Mexico it must be savored. Actually, as I was deciding which color to go for, I was deciding between Holly and Cherry Moon, and realized I was asking myself the New Mexico State Question: red or green? This place is seeping into my pores, I swear. I went with green this time, although I realized later that I could've jumped on the Project Spectrum bandwagon if I'd chosen red, and used one of Carol's supercool buttons. In any case, this afternoon is a little slice of heaven: delicious lunch, knitting, reading, and chillin' like a villain on my sunny front porch.

I should get back to my hourglass sweater sleeve now. Two more inches before I can knit it onto the circulars and join it to the body portion! Yippee!! ...of course, it's the first sleeve, and then I still have the yoke and all the hemming. But I will enjoy the process if it kills me. At work I always snap at people, "patience is a virtue!" but I really don't have any myself.


The Little (Knitting) Hedgehog said...

LOL red or green? I'm usually so bad at making decisions I end up getting both. Hope you're having a good three day weekend!

Anonymous said...

if you really want to be an asshole, you can say, "in your patience possess ye your souls."

luke 21:19

thank you, that thing you do!

Cari said...

hmm, well, i DO really want to be an asshole...

Ashley said...

What color of Regia did you buy. I bought one lately and thought it would look something like yours did, but it wasn't quite what I expected when it showed up at my door. That's what I get for ordering online though.